1-2th march Shows in Vladivostok (CAC, RKF Championship and Specialty)

Judge Hassi Assenmacher
Mudrii Goodwin Iz Omskoi Kreposti - BOB baby, BIS BABY-1!
Line Of Life Idaho - BOB, Club Winner
Kurzebeine MS von The One For Fabeltier - BOB puppy, BIS puppy -2!
Magik Rainbow Danaya - BOS junior, Junior Club Winner
Fabeltier Call Of Duty - CC
Fabeltier Destiny In Stripes - CW, Candidate Club Ch
Fabeltier Helle Sonne - CW, BOS, Club Winner
Sundsdal's You Rock My World - CW, BOS, Club Winner
National Dog Show "Serebryannaya Kapel"
judge in breed - Gerasimova M. In BOG ring - Gavrilova Ya.
Kursebeine MS von The One For Fabeltier - BOB puppy
Fabeltier Call Of Duty - BOS junior, JCAC
Magik Rainbow Danaya - BOS junior, JCAC, BOB, BOG - 1!
Line Of Life Idaho - BOB, BOG-3! Finished Russian Champion!
RKF Championship "Discovery Dog Show"
judge in breed - Chaikovskaya, in BOG ring - Hassi Assenmacher
Kursebeine MS von The One For Fabeltier - BOB puppy, selected in Best In Show puppy
Magik Rainbow Danaya - BOB, BOG-2!
Fabeltier Helle Sonne - CAC, Finished Russian Champion!
Fabeltier Destiny In Stripes - CAC, BOS
Line Of Life Idaho - BOB